Goldbaum's Brown Rice Pasta

I am always on the look out for pasta that I can eat. I have one brand of brown rice pasta that I love, but it is a bit on the pricey side for our budget, so I usually only buy the spaghetti for special occasions. So I was happy to see that the Grocery Outlet we shop at in Lewiston ID has started carrying more gluten free products and in specific brown rice spaghetti. So I grabbed a couple of packages.

I decided that I had to do spaghetti for dinner that weekend, so I started my sauce and when it was close to dinner time, broke out my favorite pasta pot.

Filled it with water, tossed in some salt and set it to boil. Once boiling I added the spaghetti and set my timer for 7 minutes (instructions were for 7-10 minutes). At 7 minutes it was getting there and was pretty much at the right texture by 10 minutes.

I drained the pasta and then set to plating and topping with it with sauce and cheese and it was dinner time.

The flavor of the pasta was good, hubby actually prefers brown rice pasta over regular wheat pasta (and he wasn't a big pasta fan in the first place). One problem I've had in the past with non-wheat spaghetti is they didn't hold together, breaking into smaller pieces in the cooking process. That is fine for people who probably prefer that, usually breaking the spaghetti into smaller pieces for cooking, but I prefer to be able to twirl and slurp my 'sketti and that is a big part of my enjoyment of it. So I have been very happy with the brown rice spaghetti I have tried so far as they are the next best thing to regular wheat spaghetti.

I have since gone back to Grocery Outlet and stocked up on Goldbaum's Brown Rice spaghetti and I hope it will be a regularly available item in the future.
